
Oferujemy usługi z zakresu cięcia laserowego. Dysponujemy nowoczesnym sprzętem ...

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Koncepcja firmy Rex-Pol to bezwzględny nacisk na jakość produkowanych urządzeń, bezpieczeństwo i kompetencję  ...

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© Rex-Pol Sp. z o.o.
41-508 Chorzów
ul. Wiejska 18
tel./fax (0048 32) 245 90 34

Devices and equipment for food processing;Laser cutting, Welding & other services.


Solid and experienced, since 1991 we have been designing and producing environment- friendly devices for meat, fish and poultry processing industry, dairy and baking industry for large and small catering businesses.


We produce equipment for plants: trolleys, trays, foam generating washers, cold drying and smoking installations, smoke generators and thermal afterburners applicable to all types of smokehouses. We protect air and soil; our devices are environment-friendly.

We operate on foreign markets all over the world, offering comprehensive advice on modernization and construction of new processing plants.





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